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RMA is the open medical aid fund that is administrated by Prosperity Health Namibia.

Main Tasks

Website copy

The RMA brand was updated in 2020, along with a new corporate identity and website. I was responsible for producing the website copy.

Quarterly Newsletters

RMA produces quarterly newsletters that are distributed among Fund members and stakeholders. I was responsible for the copy of these newsletters.

Member communication

I was responsible for writing B2C communication in the form of emails, letters, and 160 character-limit SMSs.

Quarterly Newsletters

I contributed copy for a variety of B2C and B2B marketing campaigns. One notable campaign was the 2021 Independence Day Campaign, in which we highlighted RMA as a proudly-Namibian governed and administrated Medical Aid Fund.

An example of the copy was the script in the form of a poem for a campaign.

Corporate Communication